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Iran’s ‘Sampo’ to vie at Salento Film Festival in Italy

Iranian short flick ‘Sampo’ is to vie at the Salento Int'l Film Festival in Italy.

Iranian short flick ‘Sampo’ has been set to participate in the 2023 Salento International Film Festival (SIFF) in Italy.

Directed by Marzieh Riahi, the 13-minute flick is picked to compete at the 20th edition of the Italian event.

“To make ends meet, a mother caters for funerals and parties, but her daughter has a different idea about her mother’s job,” a brief synopsis for the film reads.

Linda Kiani, Maryam Boubani, Hilda Kordbache and Hannan Azizi comprise the cast list of the short flick.

Previously, the film took part in the Palm Beach International Film Festival in the US, which is among the top independent film events in the world.

The lead character of the film, played by Kiani, and its director have already cooperated in the festival-favorite renowned short film ‘Driving Lessons’.

Founded in 2004, the SIFF is a celebration of films and filmmakers, promoting international independent films, in recognition of the fact that movies are the most powerful form of cultural communication and link between cultures and peoples.

This year’s edition of the event is slated for September 19-24.

